Recent invited keynotes/lectures

19 April 2023, wow, this list is not quite up to date. Will update soon

  • Piraten en pioniers, laveren tussen zekerheid en beklemming, keynote: statasrechtconferentie 2016, Enschede, UTwente, 16 december 2016.
  • Asset congres, Tilburg University, mei 2016.
  • Psychologie congres, Tilburg University, 28 Sept 2016.
  • technoregulation, RegGov conference, Tilburg University, July 2016
  • Cookiewars, RegGov conference, Tilburg University, July 2016
  • Accountability and transparency in Machine Learning, Machine Learning workshop: Machine Learning: Formulating an Innovation Policy for the 4th Industrial Revolution, Liverpool, 11 July 2016.
  • Embrace Ethics and Law, Data Science Summit 2015, Eindhoven, november 2015.
  • Bologna (Italy), Robots and big data: worlds apart?, Seminari LAST-JD, 30 October 2014.
  • Tilburg University, Recht op privacy, lecture for “Perspectieven op recht”, BA-1 course, 29 October 2014
  • Wageningen (Netherlands), The blessings and curses of the data deluge: perspectives of a data worrior, lecture for the series: IT Dilemmas – Openness vs Protection, Wageningen UR, Studium Generale, 28 October 2014
  • Tilburg University, Green and Gold: what’s in a name?, lecture for Open Access event TiU, 28 October 2014
  • Tilburg, Over de precaire balans van openbaarheid en privacy inzake slachtoffers, lecture in the series “MH17: Een vlucht naar voren?”, 30 September 2014
  • Wadern (Germany), participated in Dagstuhl seminar 14052 on ‘Ethics in Data Sharing’, 26. – 31. Januar 2014.
  • Brussels, CPDP2014, hosted panels on the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ and ‘Accountability in future internet services’, 24 January 2014.
  • Boston, The EU Robolaw project: preserving European values in emerging technologies, IBA Annual Conference, I Robot workshop, 10 October 2013.
  • Brussels (Belgium), Personal Data and Citizenship – Matching Law and Technology, Digital Enlightenment Forum 2013, 18 Sept 2013.
  • The Hague, Big Data for statistics – a view from the lifeguard’s chair, DGINS (Directors General of the National Statistical Institutes), 26 September 2013.
  • Tallinn (Estonia), Too close to my skin, tracking and facial recognition in social media, 10 Jan 2013.
  • Chicago, ‘Who Needs Facebook or Google+ Anyway – Privacy and Sociality in Social Network Sites’, Seventh ACM Workshop on Digital Identity Management (DIM 2011), 21 October 2011.
  • Ghent, ‘Who needs Facebook anyway: privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites’ at the 12th Joint IFIP TC6 and TC11 Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security – CMS 2011 in Ghent, Belgium (, 19 October 2011.
  • Nijmegen, ‘Who needs Facebook anyway – privacy & sociality in Social Network Sites’, invited keynote at the WISSEC 2010 conference, 29 November 2010.
  • Barcelona, ‘Privacy in the Cloud, a Misty Topic?’, 6th Internet, Law and Politics Conference,  Open University of Catalonia, School of Law and Political Science, and held in Barcelona, Spain, on July 7th and 8th, 2010
  • Crete, 17 September 2009, Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites, NIS’09 Forth/ENISA Summerschool on Network & Information security, Crete, Greece.
  • Nice, 9 September 2009, Where the rubber meets the road: Privacy and Sociability in Social Network Sites, Fifth International Summer School organised jointly by the PrimeLife EU project in cooperation with the IFIP WG 9.2, 9.6/11.7 11.4, 11.6. Privacy and Identity Management for Life, Nice, France.
  • Delft, 24 Oct 2008, Understanding privacy & identity in social networks, keynote at Privacy in Social Network Sites conference.

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